I think it is something that even as a mom I don't realize that the way I verbalize my physical "flaws" effects my little girls. One of my daughters struggles with her thinking she is fat. One thinks she is ugly and that boys think she is ugly. They are so little and because I have shown this weakness so vividly they are learning it too. My speaking ugly about myself shows them it is okay to think this about themselves....... wow. That's a terrible reality.
I find that I obsess so much about my self image that I then get so overwhelmed with how unhappy I am with my overall image that I don't feel there is any need to do anything to make it better. It's become the "What's the use?" EXCUSE. Sadly I believe this is where a lot of women and girls get. They feel there is no way they could ever look like "that girl" that they just give up and give in to eating disorders, depression, other weird outcomes and such.
It's one thing to want to be healthy and in shape, but it's a extreme other to want to seek a 'perfection' that only the world has designed. God has a unique design for all of us and sometimes it is completely opposite of what the world is saying we should be doing, dressing, or even looking like. When are we going to actually come into this reality for ourselves??? How many more YoYo diets are you going to go on? How much more money are you going to dump into another diet pill or exercise video that you will never do? Ups and downs. Highs and lows. Happiness and then the big downer. We are all beautiful. Corny but TRUE. I bet if I spent less time looking all the pictures of everyone else and thinking how pretty or not pretty they were then maybe I would start being able to look at my own image a little differently. Stop giving in to the 'ugly weeks' that follow the PMS. Give in to a life changing reality that you are who you are for a reason, and if God took the time to create EVERY SINGLE little piece that holds you together then that in itself is pretty amazingly BEAUTIFUL. God doesn't waste His precious time on UGLY. The WORLD created UGLY. God created BEAUTY.