Grace. This word is my own personal drive. Knowing that something so amazing has set me completely free keeps me going everyday.
Scripture says:
'I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from God's love which Christ Jesus our Lord shows us. We can't be separated by death or life, by angels or rulers, by anything in the present or anything in the future, by forces or powers in the world above or in the world below, or by anything else in creation' Romans 8:38-39 GWT
With all that said, I also believe that God shows us Grace when we are completely undeserving. When we are the ugliest of the ugly. He loves us through thick and through thin. So if God shows us this trully unconditional love shouldn't we be also showing this to others as well? This may be the hardest thing that I have had to learn to do. For those of you who have grown up with me, I am sure it shocks you to hear "Miss Drama Queen" who was always 'hatin' on someone has turned such an extreme leaf over. Well to be completely honest there has been too much hurt in my life to keep living in it and not getting anywhere from that negativity.
You know even recently those who follow me on the good ole addiction they call Facebook, I am sure you have felt some of the weight that has been carried on my shoulders the last year. This last couple months have been overwhelming with all the hurt that has been inflicted by others. People will always let you down if your expectations of them are too high. They are human too and only God himself can trully never fail you. I am constently expecting too much of others, especially ones I call friend. I am one of those girls that says it like it is and will never lie to you. I lied about seriously everything growing up, so I feel as though I am making up for it now. haha... I am also not someone who lives in constent fear of doing something to make God 'mad' at me like I was taught in some different church environments growing up.
Grace has shown me a lot the last 3 years, but mainly in the last year is what has changed me most. I strive to be a reflection of His grace not my own. I can only take what his handed out to me and react the way He wants me to. Love is difficult (I think my parents tried to tell me that back in the day... but maybe they were just trying to keep me away from the boys lol). Love is worth it though. Grace is worth it. The saying my mom used to say to me comes to mind,"Treat others like you want to be treated."
Today I challenge you all to look at the offenses in your life whether or not it be from a person or from somewhere else and meditate on how God wants you to heal from them. Don't fall off this journey of Grace by stooping to the world's reactions and hurt the people that have hurt you.
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