Those are just a few of the things that come to mind when I look at myself honestly. These things Satan wears himself out trying to use as a weapon of mass destruction in my life.
You are strong. You are beautiful in every single way. You have a gift for being able to speak openly to others. You are an encouragement to others. You are a growing mother and wife. You are an excellent student. You are a one of a kind daughter. You are a gift. You are my child that I created specifically for My Will. You are a tool that I will use to build up my kingdom in Heaven. YOU are my Beloved.
This is the truth that our Father speaks to us, ALL OF US. Isn't that crazy??? I can't imagine feeling this way about such a mess of a person. But because of this realization I am determined to not let my failures define who I AM. It is important that you take your decisions you make and whether it be the right one or the wrong one choose to learn and grow from them. For a very long time I chose to submit to being the 'victim' the 'failure' the 'disappointment'. Where did that life get me? Well honestly, it got me in a ton of trouble and in the middle of a deep hole that I couldn't even see out of anymore.
Where are you at? Even if you don't believe in our Creator how do you choose to live your life? Do you live in a constant world of pain? Do you always look at your glass as 'half empty'? Do you believe all the lies that you are too imperfect to accomplish anything? Speaking death about who you want to believe you are is just as toxic for a nonbeliever as it is for a believer... if not worse really, being they have no one to help them up that is trully perfectly reliable.
Is there someone that you know that needs words of life spoken to them instead of you judgmental words that you have justified as being constructive truth? As I think about all of this I can't help but think of my favorite scriptures from Romans 8 once again. It says in verses 38-39 "And I am convinced that NOTHING can ever SEPARATE us from God's love. Neither DEATH nor LIFE, neither ANGELS nor DEMONS, neither our FEARS for today nor our WORRIES about tomorrow--not even the powers of HELL can separate us from God's LOVE. NO power in the sky above or in the earth below--indeed, NOTHING in ALL CREATION will ever be able to separate us from the LOVE of God that is revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord." Not once in this wonderful promise does it say "perfect Christians that abide by what YOU think is perfect are the only ones that are included in this" it says YOU. God didn't just breath life into all of us for no flippin reason at all! We all have some PURPOSE and that is what makes your life so IMPORTANT.
Spread this promise of life and love. Share His Grace and Mercy that He has endlessly showed all of us broken followers. We are to love EVERYONE like He has and loves us still.
I am a Disciple. I am the daughter of a King that will never leave my side even in all the worst days of my life. I am a sinner but through Him those sins are forgiven. I am FREE.
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