Sticks and Stones may break my bones, but WORDS will NEVER hurt me.
Why did I ever believe that silly little tune that my wise mother told me? Words more times than not hurt incredibly bad. Yes, sometimes I came out stronger, but many times I felt weak and broken.
I am sitting here tonight looking at our lesson for tomorrow night's MWG meeting. We are continuing on with our book we started back in September "Making Children Mind Without Losing Yours" but we are also going to go through this group study about Gossip. Why is it that we (women) have such a problem with drama? I have been asking myself this question for years, but this is the first time in a long time that I am really digging into the subject. I notice that when Aaron comes home from a long day of work he is never really talking about how he got hurt by something someone has said. And come to think of it, I can't remember any of my guy friends or dad or stepdad or any other male figure really stuggling with gossip surrounding them. How I wish it were like that for women. Now don't misunderstand me when I say we have problems with drama/gossip. I am not trying to point fingers. But seriously gals, let's admit it. You may not be involved in a serious circle of drama, but I bet you can recall a time recently when someone elses words stung you. It could be something very very little. The drama I am describing here is the emotions we feel flowing through our own body when we become that victim of thoughtless speech.
We as Women of Faith must be careful to watch what we say ALL THE TIME. We are supposed to speak with encouragement in all things we say. "Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs." Ephesians 4:29
I just read in the study this statement that convicted my own tongue. It reads: YOUR WORDS REVEAL THE CONDITIONS OF YOUR HEART. I am sitting here reading this lesson and thinking to myself,"what business do I have teaching this? Do my words show encouragement to others? What does my attitude reflect?" My answers are not coming as quickly as the questions did. Let this be a reminder that we all have flaws, but it's whether or not you are willing to correct them that makes who you are.
I am going to end this with a simple request to all of you out there (even the men, because you all do have drama/gossip issues too, you just aren't as filled with emotions as us crazy girls...lol): Guard your mouth. Think about what you say before you actually say it. If there is no truth to your words then do NOT say them at all. If there is truth to your words, ask God to show you how He wants those words spoken. Words can shatter a soul in an instant and many are not strong enough to heal the wounds that are caused by the carelessness. Speak Words of Life and Love. Don't be the negative seed. Lift others up with your words.
And for those of you fighting that battle surrounding this subject:
It is never easy knowing that lies are out there, or that someone may be looking at you thinking something that you know is absolutely not true. Pray for the guidance in you reaction to this hurt. Sometimes doing nothing is doing everything. Remember, your words are just as capable to hurt or to heal. Be the healer in this battle.
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