Wednesday, December 15, 2010

True Reflections

You have to have the same attitude that Christ Jesus had. -Philippians 2:5 (NLT)

So.... how is your attitude? Everyday I feel like I fall short in reflecting His image... mainly because the human nature comes out so freely... The good thing is that He understands that because he created us this way.

Be aware of how you react to situations in your life this week. How do you react when your children are pushing you to the limit? How do you react when that annoying driver cuts you off? Or how about to the lady who blocks the aisle at the grocery store? How do you react to your significant other or friend that says something that rubs you the wrong way? Our attitudes are a very powerful thing. Have you ever thought about what happened after you honked and screamed and through your hands in different gestures at the annoying driver? Was your reasoning for your fit "well he made me so mad because of his driving!" or "well it's not my fault he can't learn how to drive" or "well serves him right, I hope he saw all of it"? Was your reasoning for the angry/irritated expression on your face to the woman blocking the aisle "I was running late and she was blocking the whole aisle!!!" or "she should be more considerate of others so it served her right" or "I was having a bad day and not in the mood for any more road blocks"? How do you justify your reactions to your kids or your significant others?

Now... let's look at it from the another view. Let's talk about the annoying driver. Because of his driving 'skills' how did you view him? How did his reaction to your driving effect you? Because you weren't getting somewhere at the pace he wanted to he cut you off or whatever... In return it effected you negatively. Then after that you responded with more negativity and IF he was paying attention to you then he probably was effected that way too. Do you see the pattern of bad attitudes? What about that lady at the grocery store? Are you such the perfect shopper yourself that you have never accidentally been over too far in an aisle? Have you never had to just scooch a little with that sweet little "oh! I am sorry hehehe"? How did the person respond to you that had to wait for you to move so they could pass? Or maybe you are perfect and have never had to scooch in the aisle BUT you were the one that had to move out of the way of the item on the shelf the person next to you needed. That lady in the aisle has been you. How would you have felt if someone treated you in the way that you treated them? What about your kids? What about the spouse? the friend?

Now let's go a little deeper if you may... We ignore, swear against, get angry, jealous, annoyed, just plain ugly sometimes. How does our Dad respond to you? When you get too busy to give him 5 minutes how does he speak to you? How about when you say "omg" and use His name like it's just another word with no importance? Does he huff and puff and yell at us for being so disrespectful??? The answer is no. When we put our cart in the middle of our road with him he waits. and waits. and waits some more. He doesn't push us out of the way or yell at us or treat us like we are the most annoying person ever. When we cut him off in the middle of something he is doing how does he respond? Does he give us the lovely hand gestures we gave to the annoying driver? No. How about when we push him and push him and push him even more just as our children have done to us? He answers with peace, love and understanding to us.

This is something that amazes me every minute of my life. If God can be so filled with love for ALL of this human race, then why can't we reflect that too? We are human. BUT don't let that be your excuse for your awful attitude on those bad days. What you can do though is this-When those bad days come, praise Him. When your kids drive you insane, praise Him. When your spouse crosses the line, praise Him. When a friend does something hurtful, praise Him. "give thanks for everything" Ephesians 5:20 (NLT). EVERYTHING not just the good things. When you are focusing on the love you don't reflect the bad. You reflection/attitude effects others. We are put here to show love to EVERYONE.

How did your attitude reflect in a current situation? Did it trully reflect love? Do you think your reflection helped someone see love or feel love? If you speak words of love and show love then others will be curious how to get that same love. We are the body. It's about being selfless. You are not more special than the guy in the car in front of you. Remember that your reaction could stop the negative.

Be the change you want to see in this world. Don't just talk about it. Change your attitude and be aware of it at all times.


Wednesday, December 8, 2010


If your enemies are hungry, give them food to eat. If hey are thirsty, give them water to drink. -Proverbs 25:21 (NLT)
You must decide in your heart how much to give. And don't give reluctantly or in response pressure. "For God loves a person who give cheerfully."
-2 Cor 9:7 (NLT)
The Lord gives his people strength. The Lord blesses them with peace. -Psalm 29:11 (NLT)
"I will reward them with a long life and give them my salvation." -Psalm 91:16 (NLT)
Our Dad gives and gives to us everday... If we are his body then we should give the same way... Don't give with strings, don't give out of obligation, don't give to make yourself feel better... Give because we are here to give God's love to others... Show the people you encounter why His love is worth dying for... Give with a grateful heart ♥

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Learning to Shut up

Too much talk leads to sin. Be sensible and keep your mouth shut. -Proverbs 10:19 (NLT)
The tongue can bring death or life; those who love to talk will reap the consequences. -Proverbs 18:21 (NLT)
Oooooh the good ole' book of Proverbs, how I love thee...
Anyone who knows me pretty well knows that I have always loved to talk... talk, talk and talk and talk some more... I think I started taking advantage of my freedom of speach when i moved out I spoke even more than anyone thought possible. Growing up my dad burned the phrases "speak when spoken too" and "it's better to be seen and not heard" into my mind over and over. I was always in trouble for my mouth, so you think that in 27 years I may have learned many lessons on the consequences of 'overspeaking', and I have. But sometimes even when we know what the end result can be we do it anyways out of habit.
I asked God a few months ago to seriously change me. Work in me in a way that I never really allowed him to before... be raw, honest, brutal if he may... little did I know what I was getting myself into. The changes and growth have been so amazing to be a part of, but reaping what I have sown has been terrible.
Over and over I remind myself that I am made in his image not the world's image. At the same time Satan tries to remind me that I am still this drama seaking, overspeaking, too blunt, harsh woman. My stronghold is my mouth. Honestly, I think that most of the human race struggles with this same thing but makes excuses for it. I have been known to use some excuses more than once for my words that have spilled out. I have justified many of my words and tried to explain my reasons for them. The problem is this: our tongues are our biggest enemies... They hurt people even if our heart never meant to do so. Sometimes the best thing for us to do is drop the excuse of "I was just being open and honest" and instead just shut up. Stop laying everything out on the table because you think that is the right thing to do. Pray first and then wait... be still... don't say anything.... our lack of words may do more healing then any speaking could...
Have you ever been in a situation where there were so many words exchanged that you start looking for every way to prove that the other person is wrong and your words were right? Then when you respond it just keeps going and going and going? What would have happened if in the very very beginning you would have let God do ALL the talking and you would have just shut up? I think this all the time.
I am infamous for 'fixing' or thinking that I am doing the 'fixing' by talking things out. I am not saying that talking things out is the incorrect way of doing things, BUT sometimes God wants us to quit going to eachother and go to Him so he can do the 'fixing'. Another phrase comes to mind from childhood when I think of this thought "silence is golden".
Maybe all those times I got offended by my dad's comments I should have taken them into consideration... Maybe my big mouth at times needs a piece of tape over it. Are you overtalking? Are you being a peacemaker through all your explaining or questioning? Or is your talking making the conflict grow?
Before we speak we need to think to ourselves "If I tell this person this, is this going to cause conflict? Is this going to help them? Is this going to bring encouragement?"
Do your words speak life? Love? Encouragement?
I know many times my words don't... and trust me. You will reap what you sow... You will see what your words can really do to people... sometimes those outcomes are the most beautiful thing you have ever seen, and for that you should praise our Father... but there will be times when we speak before we really think, and those times can cause some of the biggest hurts you will ever see. Sometimes we speak later and it is still not the right time and that too will hurt someone and not help them...
Thank you Lord for showing me how to start shutting my big mouth... this is the hardest thing I am still learning but through You it can be done. Amen.
Don't use foul or abusive language. Let EVERYTHING you say be good and helpful, so that your words will be an encouragement to those who hear them. -Ephesians 4:29 (NLT)

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Men don't get it. Women hate it. Your physical beauty the way the world says it should look like is one of the largest continuing problems in every woman's life. I have struggled with vanity my whole life. I was always trying to make myself the mold that the world had designed for me. I can remember as far back as 1st grade and thinking then that I would never be the swan and would always be the odd ugly duckling. By believing this lie at such an early age it gave Satan all the ammunition he needed to corrupt my toxic way of thinking for the next 20 years.

I think it is something that even as a mom I don't realize that the way I verbalize my physical "flaws" effects my little girls. One of my daughters struggles with her thinking she is fat. One thinks she is ugly and that boys think she is ugly. They are so little and because I have shown this weakness so vividly they are learning it too. My speaking ugly about myself shows them it is okay to think this about themselves....... wow. That's a terrible reality.

I find that I obsess so much about my self image that I then get so overwhelmed with how unhappy I am with my overall image that I don't feel there is any need to do anything to make it better. It's become the "What's the use?" EXCUSE. Sadly I believe this is where a lot of women and girls get. They feel there is no way they could ever look like "that girl" that they just give up and give in to eating disorders, depression, other weird outcomes and such.

It's one thing to want to be healthy and in shape, but it's a extreme other to want to seek a 'perfection' that only the world has designed. God has a unique design for all of us and sometimes it is completely opposite of what the world is saying we should be doing, dressing, or even looking like. When are we going to actually come into this reality for ourselves??? How many more YoYo diets are you going to go on? How much more money are you going to dump into another diet pill or exercise video that you will never do? Ups and downs. Highs and lows. Happiness and then the big downer. We are all beautiful. Corny but TRUE. I bet if I spent less time looking all the pictures of everyone else and thinking how pretty or not pretty they were then maybe I would start being able to look at my own image a little differently. Stop giving in to the 'ugly weeks' that follow the PMS. Give in to a life changing reality that you are who you are for a reason, and if God took the time to create EVERY SINGLE little piece that holds you together then that in itself is pretty amazingly BEAUTIFUL. God doesn't waste His precious time on UGLY. The WORLD created UGLY. God created BEAUTY.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

I am a complete Control Freak. I fear the unknown. I talk too much. I wear my heart on my sleeve for everyone to see. I am obsessive compulsive. I like to know everything that is going on with not just me but everyone else. I react before I pray. I look to find joy in people not my Father. I am overweight. I don't fit the mold of the perfect looking woman. I am a emotional wreck. I am very blunt. I struggle with being a wife and mother. I am selfish. I am a Sinner.

Those are just a few of the things that come to mind when I look at myself honestly. These things Satan wears himself out trying to use as a weapon of mass destruction in my life.

You are strong. You are beautiful in every single way. You have a gift for being able to speak openly to others. You are an encouragement to others. You are a growing mother and wife. You are an excellent student. You are a one of a kind daughter. You are a gift. You are my child that I created specifically for My Will. You are a tool that I will use to build up my kingdom in Heaven. YOU are my Beloved.

This is the truth that our Father speaks to us, ALL OF US. Isn't that crazy??? I can't imagine feeling this way about such a mess of a person. But because of this realization I am determined to not let my failures define who I AM. It is important that you take your decisions you make and whether it be the right one or the wrong one choose to learn and grow from them. For a very long time I chose to submit to being the 'victim' the 'failure' the 'disappointment'. Where did that life get me? Well honestly, it got me in a ton of trouble and in the middle of a deep hole that I couldn't even see out of anymore.

Where are you at? Even if you don't believe in our Creator how do you choose to live your life? Do you live in a constant world of pain? Do you always look at your glass as 'half empty'? Do you believe all the lies that you are too imperfect to accomplish anything? Speaking death about who you want to believe you are is just as toxic for a nonbeliever as it is for a believer... if not worse really, being they have no one to help them up that is trully perfectly reliable.

Is there someone that you know that needs words of life spoken to them instead of you judgmental words that you have justified as being constructive truth? As I think about all of this I can't help but think of my favorite scriptures from Romans 8 once again. It says in verses 38-39 "And I am convinced that NOTHING can ever SEPARATE us from God's love. Neither DEATH nor LIFE, neither ANGELS nor DEMONS, neither our FEARS for today nor our WORRIES about tomorrow--not even the powers of HELL can separate us from God's LOVE. NO power in the sky above or in the earth below--indeed, NOTHING in ALL CREATION will ever be able to separate us from the LOVE of God that is revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord." Not once in this wonderful promise does it say "perfect Christians that abide by what YOU think is perfect are the only ones that are included in this" it says YOU. God didn't just breath life into all of us for no flippin reason at all! We all have some PURPOSE and that is what makes your life so IMPORTANT.

Spread this promise of life and love. Share His Grace and Mercy that He has endlessly showed all of us broken followers. We are to love EVERYONE like He has and loves us still.

I am a Disciple. I am the daughter of a King that will never leave my side even in all the worst days of my life. I am a sinner but through Him those sins are forgiven. I am FREE.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Sticks and Stones

Sticks and Stones may break my bones, but WORDS will NEVER hurt me.

Why did I ever believe that silly little tune that my wise mother told me? Words more times than not hurt incredibly bad. Yes, sometimes I came out stronger, but many times I felt weak and broken.

I am sitting here tonight looking at our lesson for tomorrow night's MWG meeting. We are continuing on with our book we started back in September "Making Children Mind Without Losing Yours" but we are also going to go through this group study about Gossip. Why is it that we (women) have such a problem with drama? I have been asking myself this question for years, but this is the first time in a long time that I am really digging into the subject. I notice that when Aaron comes home from a long day of work he is never really talking about how he got hurt by something someone has said. And come to think of it, I can't remember any of my guy friends or dad or stepdad or any other male figure really stuggling with gossip surrounding them. How I wish it were like that for women. Now don't misunderstand me when I say we have problems with drama/gossip. I am not trying to point fingers. But seriously gals, let's admit it. You may not be involved in a serious circle of drama, but I bet you can recall a time recently when someone elses words stung you. It could be something very very little. The drama I am describing here is the emotions we feel flowing through our own body when we become that victim of thoughtless speech.

We as Women of Faith must be careful to watch what we say ALL THE TIME. We are supposed to speak with encouragement in all things we say. "Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs." Ephesians 4:29

I just read in the study this statement that convicted my own tongue. It reads: YOUR WORDS REVEAL THE CONDITIONS OF YOUR HEART. I am sitting here reading this lesson and thinking to myself,"what business do I have teaching this? Do my words show encouragement to others? What does my attitude reflect?" My answers are not coming as quickly as the questions did. Let this be a reminder that we all have flaws, but it's whether or not you are willing to correct them that makes who you are.

I am going to end this with a simple request to all of you out there (even the men, because you all do have drama/gossip issues too, you just aren't as filled with emotions as us crazy Guard your mouth. Think about what you say before you actually say it. If there is no truth to your words then do NOT say them at all. If there is truth to your words, ask God to show you how He wants those words spoken. Words can shatter a soul in an instant and many are not strong enough to heal the wounds that are caused by the carelessness. Speak Words of Life and Love. Don't be the negative seed. Lift others up with your words.
And for those of you fighting that battle surrounding this subject:
It is never easy knowing that lies are out there, or that someone may be looking at you thinking something that you know is absolutely not true. Pray for the guidance in you reaction to this hurt. Sometimes doing nothing is doing everything. Remember, your words are just as capable to hurt or to heal. Be the healer in this battle.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Grace. This word is my own personal drive. Knowing that something so amazing has set me completely free keeps me going everyday.
Scripture says:
'I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from God's love which Christ Jesus our Lord shows us. We can't be separated by death or life, by angels or rulers, by anything in the present or anything in the future, by forces or powers in the world above or in the world below, or by anything else in creation' Romans 8:38-39 GWT
With all that said, I also believe that God shows us Grace when we are completely undeserving. When we are the ugliest of the ugly. He loves us through thick and through thin. So if God shows us this trully unconditional love shouldn't we be also showing this to others as well? This may be the hardest thing that I have had to learn to do. For those of you who have grown up with me, I am sure it shocks you to hear "Miss Drama Queen" who was always 'hatin' on someone has turned such an extreme leaf over. Well to be completely honest there has been too much hurt in my life to keep living in it and not getting anywhere from that negativity.
You know even recently those who follow me on the good ole addiction they call Facebook, I am sure you have felt some of the weight that has been carried on my shoulders the last year. This last couple months have been overwhelming with all the hurt that has been inflicted by others. People will always let you down if your expectations of them are too high. They are human too and only God himself can trully never fail you. I am constently expecting too much of others, especially ones I call friend. I am one of those girls that says it like it is and will never lie to you. I lied about seriously everything growing up, so I feel as though I am making up for it now. haha... I am also not someone who lives in constent fear of doing something to make God 'mad' at me like I was taught in some different church environments growing up.
Grace has shown me a lot the last 3 years, but mainly in the last year is what has changed me most. I strive to be a reflection of His grace not my own. I can only take what his handed out to me and react the way He wants me to. Love is difficult (I think my parents tried to tell me that back in the day... but maybe they were just trying to keep me away from the boys lol). Love is worth it though. Grace is worth it. The saying my mom used to say to me comes to mind,"Treat others like you want to be treated."
Today I challenge you all to look at the offenses in your life whether or not it be from a person or from somewhere else and meditate on how God wants you to heal from them. Don't fall off this journey of Grace by stooping to the world's reactions and hurt the people that have hurt you.

Monday, January 11, 2010

The beginning of my journey with "blogging"

This picture says it all. This journey I call my life has been nothing short of 'eventful'. Bumps, bruises, tears, laughter, yelling, more laughing, fights, making up, and so on and so on and so on. All of it has been worth every second though.
So hello world, if you read my profile then you know my name is Aimee and I am starting my first 'real' blog. What I will talk about is going to be the interesting thing being at the moment I have no clue what to type now! I have titled this blog (i'm not sure if it is always going to be the same title or not, bare with me/i am learning more every second) 'daily battles leave me fulfilled'. It's funny because I created this profile back in July this last year and never had the patience to really keep it going. I read the title now and I can remember the reasoning then and I am glad that I chose it because I think it will serve as an amazing reminder of how I should choose to look at the that day when it's over.
Well, let's get started. There are many different areas in my life that could be talked about, but today has been an exhausting one. The fact that this blogging thing was the hardest thing ever for me to set up because my dang page kept shutting off and I had to retype my profile 3 times (sorry but the 1st one was the best, yall are getting a lame 3rd version of me) was just the start to this long day. My sister in law is at this very moment SUPPOSED to be packing because she is moving all the way to Australia tomorrow to go to college at the Hillsong United College there. As of right now though she is currently getting 'guilt trips' from all directions (hahaha) for not talking to all of us before she leaves. We love her dearly and it's gonna be crazy not getting to talk to her on the phone or getting to see her this summer! The delays on Skype are not nearly as fulfilling as the real deal (like that audge? we just hung up with eachother). On top of that emotional stuff, I have been chasing little crazy girls all over the place all day and they still are in their beds squirming at this very moment. Oh the joys of being 'mama' gotta love it! :)
I am currently one of the leaders of a ministry called Mothers With Grace with one of my best friends Jessica. She has been a leader for the 3 years it has been around and I am just on year 2. The craziness that goes in to constructing one meeting has been hard to get used to, but I think we have learned it pretty well. We have learned so much from eachother and the mamas that come and there are days when you just feel like you want to walk away because it's so hard to be a 'leader'. It's funny though, because everytime we get to that point God has intervened and showed us just exactly why we are still there. It has been nothing short of amazing.
Being a co-leader is just one thing in my life I have to focus on daily on top of wife and mom. Another huge thing that has changed in my life the last year is my health. March of last year I noticed a hard bump on my leg that hurt like a small bruise. Then a month later another one popped up. Then came another, until there were in between 18-21 depending on the day. The were these painful benign tumors that no one could explain why I was getting them. We tried seeing a doctor here, but when my only option was stripping my veins of all of them we went the homeopathic route. July I had to start a long deep detoxing diet. Boy, I had no clue how hard that would be or how long it would take or how sick I was about to find out I really was. I detoxed till the end of December and have been tumor free since August! Now I am trying to continue that same diet minus the detox pills with herbal supplements added and I am feeling great. Do I cheat on my diet??? Um. Yes. But that's another blog.
Tomorrow will be Day 2 of the new blogging thing. What will it bring us? I have no clue, hopefully something will come to me. I am going to go volunteer up at the church for childcare in the morning, because apparently I can not get enough of my own 3 kids that I am going to take on even more! hahaha... So off to bed because 7 am comes early with rushing Karyss onto the bus and feeding all these lil mouths. Goodnight to all and I will talk to you all soon and thanks for reading!